Unrestricted mobility via the MDS Amiba system client
For most businesses, BYOD (Bring Your Own Device to work) is becoming an increasingly important aspect of secure business communication.
Employees do not want to carry two phones to separate business calls from private ones.
Yet integrating personal mobile devices into the corporate system could become a challenge for your company.
MDS Amiba fulfils with its system client apps and softphones all enterprise-critical security requirements and integrates mobile devices completely into the company telephone system. The MDS Amiba system client enables users to make telephone calls, receive faxes, exchange chat messages or use the corporate directory. You can also organise a video conference or simply join into one. And by only using the office extension via their mobile phones, users always present themselves to callers with their business identity.
The cloud also provides its users additional security, which is in view of the high-level of mobile phone usage a perpetual requirement for businesses.
With the MDS Amiba system clients trafficking everything outgoing and incoming via the cloud, data like telephone numbers, call records, voicemail, chat messages and facsimiles are not permanently stored onto the terminal of the user. In case a telephone is lost or an employee leaves the company, the user account can be easily deleted for ensuring that no important company data is leaving too.
Use our system clients to your business advantage! You save investments for otherwise necessary telephones and your employees can work more productively via their own smart devices without compromising on security - no matter whether at in the office, at home or on the road.
Collaborative communications made easy – by MDS Amiba.