Our green focus
With ever increasing volatility and strain put on the ecologic balance, a respective conscious handling of natural resources is indispensable. Through technological advance MDS Gateways uses more productive, efficient and ingenious work processes that are fully implemented in our general conduct as an environmental-caring business. All aspects of our business operations consider the conservation of the environment, be it in our daily business habits or in the conception and production of our telephones and systems.
The MDS Amiba communication platform enables our customers to make considerable savings for example for energy consumption by needing fewer connectable system components, the utlisation of already existing user devices for BYOD-initiatives as well as travel expenses, which by the use of the most productive form of communications and collaboration possibilities between colleagues, partners and und clients, irrespective whether locally or globally, can be increasingly brought together, therefore requiring less travel for site visits.
With the most advanced form of cooperating with another, we give you enhanced support for conducting your enterpreneurial tasks and goals with climate-friendly communication options.
Collaborative communications made easy – by MDS Amiba.