Future-Proof Cloud Communications
Platform for SME's
Secure Unified Communications as a Service
Secure cloud communications at enterprise level for SME's.
Whether deployed as telephone system, mobility server, video conferencing system or as contact centre - all requirements in one powerful, agile and secure Unified Communications suite - at any time, anywhere!
Video Collaboration
from MDS Amiba for the most productive interaction between geographically dispersed people.
For online meetings between colleagues, partners and clients - from any device, at any time!
Mobilise your workforce!
The mobility features by MDS Amiba empower your employees to productively contribute to your business, at any time, anywhere.
Contact Centre
The MDS Amiba contact centre - your best possible interaction to callers for enhancing customer satisfaction!
Empower callers with multichannel options to how they would like to contact your company. Fast and effective methods that will boost your customer loyalty even further.
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
We spell BYOD in capital letters!
We support the most effective form of using employee-owned devices for your business whilst maintaining maximum security - increasing the productivity of your employees as well as achieving considerable investment savings.
Only Winners!
No matter whether you are enduser, system partner or ISP.
All involved parties capitalize from comprehensive financial advantages by our user-friendly MDS Amiba cloud communications platform.
Find out more about your gains
Own Device
How it works
With the MDS Amiba cloud telephone system, your IP-desk phones and computers into your Internet connection and install the system client apps and softphones onto your employees' smartphones, tablets and Windows-PC's, no matter whether you make telephone calls, send or receive faxes, exchange chat messages or participate in online meetings. It's that easy and safe — for all your office locations.
Service Availability
Moving your business telephone system to the cloud could not be more straightforward. An MDS Amiba system partner will provide the setup and service-availability within the shortest possible time - for all your branches and out-of-office mobile- and home workers.
Your MDS Amiba contact person supports you in determining how many users and IP-telephones your company requires.
You can use existing SIP-telephones or optionally buy or rent additional system telephones at a fair price. Additionally you can use your smartphones, tablets and PC's as fully fledged system telephones by registering them as system clients on the MDS Amiba service.
Flexible Management
As completely integrated solution in the cloud, your MDS Amiba telephone system can be securely and comfortably via a PC or smart device.
You have full control of all used services - via familiar and easily controllable user interfaces with checkboxes, drop down menues and programming fields.
You can easily add and change users, assign phones, manage extensions and groups from anywhere, at any time.
No reason therefore, to tie down your IT-department or even use an external telephone maintenance service to carry out these tasks.
What's even better, your users can change most of their settings themselves without tying down IT-specialists with such matters.
A telephone system empowered by unrestricted mobility
For most businesses, BYOD (Bring Your Own Device to work) is becoming an increasingly important aspect of secure business communication.
Employees do not want to carry two phones to separate business calls from private ones. Yet integrating personal mobile devices into the corporate system could become a challenge for your company.
MDS Amiba fulfils with its system client apps and softphones all enterprise-critical security requirements and integrates mobile devices completely into the company telephone system.
The MDS Amiba system client enables users to make telephone calls, send or receive faxes, exchange chat messages or use the corporate directory. You can also organise a video conference or simply join into one.
And by only using the office extension via their mobile phones, users always present themselves to callers with their business identity.
The cloud also provides its users additional security, which is in view of the high-level of mobile phone usage a perpetual requirement for businesses.With the MDS Amiba system clients trafficking everything outgoing and incoming via the cloud, data like telephone numbers, call records, voicemail, chat messages and facsimiles are not permanently stored onto the terminal of the user. In case a telephone is lost or an employee leaves the company, the user account can be easily deleted for ensuring that no important company data is leaving too.
Collaborative communications made easy – by MDS Amiba.